

Did you know,

Having abilities of an empath/intuitive reader, enables us to assist our clients in discovering the emotional and mental blockages that are holding them back from enjoying their life and from reaching their potential. 

Part of having these abilities is being able to feel and sense the energies, feelings and emotions in our environment.

When we are working with a client, and have received full permission to tap in and feel their energy, at that point of connection,

an empath/reader is able to transmute what they are feeling, and sometimes seeing as visions, into words, phrases, and sentences. 

Being able to access this connection with clients serves as a pathway for us to better assist them in understanding themselves. 

Sometimes we humans have difficulties conveying our emotions and feelings into words, thus creating confusion as to why we feel the way we do. 

Being able to feel the emotions and the feelings and transmute them into words, in a sense, is giving the client a voice. 

They then can take the words that have been transmuted from the empath/reader and see if those words fit with how they are feeling. 

According to Google, there are 7.9 billion people in the world. And again, according to Google, 1 to 2% of the population have empath abilities. 

 1% is roughly 78 million people. 

 2% is roughly 156 million people.

Those numbers are not even taking into account the amount of intuitive readers out there.

My wish, is that as more people become aware that they do have these abilities, and are embracing them, will open doors for those who are nonverbal. 

Wow. Can you imagine how nonverbal people would feel, knowing that there is a way to communicate and convey their feelings and emotions?

If you experience empath abilities, embrace them! Don’t fall for the fear based info out there about being an empath. That road will take you down to a lower vibrational, fear base way of being!

Your abilities truly are a gift. Think of them as tool. Once you understand how this tool works, the possibilities are endless! 

Intuitive Readings