Root Chakra

Our body has this amazing ability to communicate with us when we become out of balance emotionally. 

If we ignore those first subtle signs of communication, our body soon gets our attention in other ways; chronic pain, disease, illness's.

One way our body attempts to communicate with us is through what is called the chakra system. The chakra system is a flow of energy that runs along the spine. 

This energy flow is said to have 7 individual energy centers. Each energy center governs a specific area of the body, from the feet all the way up to the top of the head.

Each individual energy center has a name and a color that represents the area of the body it governs. 

If we were able to see the chakra system we would see at each chakra energy center a wheel of energy that was continually spinning round and round. 

If any of the chakras are out of balance, the energy flowing to and from them can become pinched off - creating energy blockages.

Below is a write up I have put together on the root chakra and what can manifest within the body if there becomes an imbalance of that natural flow. 

Root Chakra: The Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara, derived from two Sanskrit words, Mula, meaning root, and adhara, meaning support or base, is located at the base of the spine, the tailbone area and flows around to the front, the pubic bone area.

Color associated with: Red. Red symbolizes, movement, power, raw energy. Passion, strength, power, bravery, self awareness. Embodies passion and primal instincts. Refocusing one’s attention. 

Element associated with: earth - The elements of nature are fourfold. Air, water, earth, and fire. Without these, the world cannot function in the orderly fashion that it does. 

Earth energy is associated with the root chakra. The energies of earth connect with us vibrationally. This beautiful planet teaches us about stability and groundedness. 

Earth is what forms are connection to our physical world, including our physical body. It’s what gives us form and weight in our environment.

Earth has a energetic frequency. This frequency is called the Schumann Resonance. This frequency pulsates at a rate of 7.83 Hertz. This is how earth connects with us vibrationally. 

Connecting to earth will connect you to the 7.83 hertz frequency. The benefits of this frequency are said to be enhanced learning and memory, body rejuvenation, improves stress tolerance, positive effects on the human nervous system.

Areas of body governed: hips, rectum, lower back, sciatic nerve, legs, knees, ankles, feet, adrenal glands, kidneys, bladder. Think of the root chakra as the foundation. 

When the energy is flowing at a balanced rate to and from the root chakra, one feels supported, sense of belonging, stable and at one within their body and within their environment. 

Feeling a sense of security in their life, self-preservation, able to stand on their own two feet. Grounded and feeling one with the energies of the earth. 

A blocked root chakra can create an internal imbalance within, leaving one feeling insecure, a feeling of not belonging, not feeling supported by friends and family, a negative outlook, the world is out to get me way of thinking. 

Feeling stuck, not able to get motivated. Lack of vision. Having difficulties providing one's basic survival needs; as well as feeling like there is not enough to go around - which can lead to hoarding of material items and eating disorders. If these emotional imbalances are not addressed, in time they can manifest into physical symptoms. 

Like I had mentioned at the beginning of this writing, our body has this amazing ability to communicate with us when we become out of balance emotionally. 

If we ignore those first subtle signs of communication, our body soon gets our attention in other ways; chronic pain, disease, illness's.

If you are experiencing any health issues regarding the hips, rectum, lower back, sciatic nerve, legs, knees, ankles or feet, you may wish to consider checking into the emotional imbalance aspects related to the root chakra. 

There are several ways one could go about regaining and maintaining a healthy root chakra balance. 

Exercise is a biggie; particularly stretching. It's important to stretch your entire body, not just the root chakra area. Stretching helps clear the energy within the body and assists in aligning the chakras. 

Also helps to lengthen and loosen the body, so blood air and energy can flow freely. Commit to stretching at least every other day in the beginning. 

Check out a yoga program. You can find tons of yoga videos on YouTube. Yoga is a beneficial avenue to balance each chakra as the different yoga positions create alignment within the body. 

A few yoga poses to explore for the root chakra are, mountain pose, bridge pose, lotus pose, garland pose, squat pose, triangle pose, warrior ll pose, downward facing dog pose, parsvakonasana pose.

Dancing is great too. Check into chakra dancing, belly dancing, salsa, dancing, as well as African dancing, hip-hop, aborigines dance. Tribal dances are linked to the issues of the base, including our roots, survival and grounding.

Listening to 7.83 Hertz frequency music. You can find tons of hertz music at this frequency and other frequencies on YouTube. There are also frequency sound machines available for purchase. 

Using positive affirmations daily. This is such a beneficial way of reprogramming your negative mindset to a positive mindset. It does take time. 

But if you stick with it, in time those negative, resistant, limiting belief words and thoughts you repeatedly tell yourself will be replaced with a natural flow of positive, self supporting, words and thoughts. 

You can make your own cards with the positive words written on them, or write the words in a daily journal. You can even download an app to your computer and or phone that allows you to schedule daily affirmations. 

Just keep in mind that affirmations are a way of reprogramming a negative mindset. So the more often you say the words to yourself throughout the day and feel the emotions that are tied to the words, the better. 

Examples of positive root chakra affirmations are:   

I am centered and grounded.

I am powerful, rooted, and strong.

I am stable and secure.

I nurture myself and take care of my well-being.

I am confident in all that I do.

I believe in myself.

I am connected with mother earth.

I am loved.

I do not need approval. 

I am worthy.

I am connected to my body.

I feel protected in this world.

I am at home, wherever I am.

All is well in my world.

I am connected to my body.

Examples of a negative root chakra mindset:

I will always be broke.

I never have enough.

Life is so hard.

I don't belong here.

I am all alone.

I can't do it. 

I am broken.

I am stuck.

I don’t deserve to be happy.

I’ll fail anyways, so what’s the point of trying?

I can’t do anything, right.

The color red is associated with the root chakra. Therefore for some people, wearing red clothing is helpful. As well as incorporating red foods into your daily diet. 

Weather permitting, plant red flowers in your yard, bring them inside, place them in a red vase. 

Remember, we are working with internal energy. We connect with this energy through our emotions. So every thought we think, every word we say to ourselves, even the feelings that are evoked within us from the color red, is connecting not only with the heart and mind but also that internal chakra energy.     

Spend as much time in nature as you can. Go barefoot. That is one of the best ways to connect with earth's energies. The energies from the earth are there for you. 

For all of us. Those energies are supportive, loving, caring, nurturing, grounding. Create the time to mediate in nature. Just sitting there on the ground listening to the sounds of nature all around you, that is so healing.



Also, flower essences, reiki healing sessions, myofascial release, full body massage, reflexology on the feet, those too are all so beneficial. 

Be kind to yourself. Be forgiving to yourself. Love yourself more. Continue to work on your emotional inner healing. 

And remember, any emotional trauma tied to the root chakra, you need to let that go. Work through it and let it go. Do not let what happened to your past self continue to dictate your future.  ♥️