Pre- Reiki Session Assessment

I have a list of questions I go over with clients before a reiki session. You of course are under no obligation to answer any of them. 

Are there any particular reasons why you are seeking an energy healing session? 

Are you currently experiencing any illness or disease within the body?

For long distance reiki sessions it is helpful if I do have a picture of the client. 

As energy healers are working with energy; when we are doing long distance healing sessions, if we are able to have a photograph to look at, this helps us connect intuitively with your energy.

The day before:

Preferably 24 hours before your healing session, it is advisable to refrain from caffeine and if possible refrain from processed foods and processed sugars.

As mentioned this is preferable, however, I do understand that it's not always possible. 

The goal is for your body to be free of chemicals and caffeine as to assist the healing energies to flow through your body.

The day of your healing session:

If possible, 30 minutes before your session begins, find a quiet, comfortable place for you to either sit or lie down.

No music, no TV, no phones. Just peace and quiet. 

During your healing session: 

The healing session will last 60 minutes for long distant healing, 60 minutes for in person session. During that time it is advisable to close your eyes, practice slowly breathing in through your nose and out your mouth. 

Do your best to clear your mind and allow any feelings and emotions to come to the surface.

Some clients do experience past memories coming to the surface. If this happens, just go with it. Remind yourself that you are in a safe space and any thoughts, emotions and feelings you are experiencing is okay.

It is important to remember that the reiki energy you receive does not come from the reiki practitioner. 

Reiki practitioners act as a conduit between you and the source of the universal life force energy. The energy flows through the practitioner's hands to you.

After your healing session is over: 

When your session is over, it is helpful to have a journal to write down your thoughts and your feelings. Many clients find it very beneficial to keep that journal close by so they can continue writing over the next several days.

During a reiki session, toxins stored in the body’s tissues are released. As the toxins are released, they need to be flushed out. 

So as with any energy healing session, it is important to keep your body hydrated with water for the next several days after your session.

As your body works to remove these toxins, there is a possibility one may experience symptoms such as; headaches, nausea, aches, or general tiredness.

If you have any questions prior to your healing session or afterwards, please contact me anytime!

~ Becky