Our body has this amazing ability to communicate with us when we become out of balance emotionally.
If we ignore those first subtle signs of communication, our body soon gets our attention in other ways; chronic pain, disease, illness's.
One way our body attempts to communicate with us is through what is called the chakra system.
The history of the chakra system has many different directions of where the truth in authenticity lies.
Despite the lack of clarity on the origin of the chakra system, this healing technique has become popular in the western world, namely, the 7-chakra system.
There is, however, not just one system in the original tradition, there are many. There are many scholars who feel that there are 114 chakras.
Many scholars believe that the chakra system was first mentioned in the Vedas ancient Hindu text, dating back to approximately 1500 BCE.
These texts describe the chakras as spinning wheels, or vortexes of energy that flow from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.
However, there are also scholars who believe that the chakras originated way before this era.
"The word Chakra is a Sanksrit word meaning, wheel or circle.”
In regards to energy healing, I have learned to follow my inner guidance.
Over the years of studying the chakra system, I am intuitively drawn to the seven main chakras that run along the spine. So, therefore, the seven chakra system is what I work with.
The chakra system is a flow of energy that runs along the spine. This energy flow is said to have 7 individual energy centers.
Each energy center governs a specific area of the body, from the feet all the way up to the top of the head.
Each individual energy center has a name and a color that represents the area of the body it governs.
If we were able to see the chakra system we would see at each chakra energy center a wheel of energy that was continually spinning round and round.
If any of the chakras are out of balance the energy flowing to and from them can become pinched off - creating energy blockages.
If a person is experiencing chronic pain, disease or illness, they can use the chakra system as an aide in their healing.
I mentioned above that each chakra system governs a specific area of the body; below is a brief breakdown of each individual energy center along with the color that represents the area of the body it governs.
It is said to start at the base, the feet, and work one's way up to the top, the head.
1st - Root Chakra: located at the base of the spine, that tailbone area and flows around to the front, the pubic bone area.
It is said that this chakra governs the area of the hips, rectum, lower back, sciatic nerve, legs, knees, ankles or feet.
So if one was experiencing physical symptoms in any of those areas they could begin researching on the root chakra.
2nd - Sacral Chakra: located 2 inches below the navel, center of the lower belly and flows around to the lumbar area.
It is said that this chakra governs the kidneys, bladder, urinary tract reproductive organs, large intestine.
3rd - Solar Plexus: located 2 inches above the navel. It is said this chakra governs the small intestine, stomach, liver, gall bladder and pancreas.
4th - Heart Chakra: located in the center of the chest. It is said this chakra governs the heart, lungs, circulatory system, shoulders and upper back.
5th - Throat Chakra: located in the center of the neck.
It is said this chakra governs the neck, teeth, gums, nose, ears, lower sinus's, throat, thyroid gland, lymph system, pituitary gland.
6th - Third Eye Chakra: located in the center of the forehead. It is said this chakra governs the eyes, upper sinus's, face and brain.
7th - Crown Chakra: located on top of the head. It is said this chakra governs the central nervous system and cerebral cortex.