Throat Chakra


Our body has this amazing ability to communicate with us when we become out of balance emotionally. 

If we ignore those first subtle signs of communication, our body soon gets our attention in other ways; chronic pain, disease, illness's.

One way our body attempts to communicate with us is through what is called the chakra system. 

The chakra system is a flow of energy that runs along the spine. This energy flow is said to have 7 individual energy centers. 

Each energy center governs a specific area of the body, from the feet all the way up to the top of the head. Each individual energy center has a name and a color that represents the area of the body it governs.  

If we were able to see the chakra system we would see at each chakra energy center a wheel of energy that was continually spinning round and round. 

If any of the chakras are out of balance, the energy flowing to and from them can become pinched off - creating energy blockages. 

Below is a brief write up I have put together on the throat chakra, and what can manifest within the body if there becomes an imbalance of that natural flow. 

Throat Chakra: also known as Vishuddha is located at the base of the throat. 

In Sanskrit, Vishuddha means especially pure. This points to the spiritual understanding that our words and our communication can be powerfully uplifting and healing when we speak our truth with purity. 

Vishuddha is intimately linked to our ability to speak and be heard, but also our ability to truly listen. The throat chakra is very much about self-expression, speaking honestly and openly, and knowing that our voice matters. 

Color associated with: Blue 

Element associated with: Ether; symbolizing space – it’s omnipresent and provides the freedom -" space" we need to communicate and express ourselves fully. 

Areas of body governed: thyroid, throat, tongue, lips, cheeks, jaw, and ears, as well as the back and lower part of the neck, and upper shoulders. 

The space from the shoulder girdle, up the neck to the chin, and along the cervical spine to the base of the skull. 

The throat chakra is often a place where energy becomes blocked; especially if we were repeatedly told to be quiet as a child. 

Excessive stress, namely fear and fear from speaking out, are said to affect this chakra. The throat chakra is very much about self-expression, speaking honestly and openly, and knowing that our voice matters. 

When you’re able to express yourself freely, think creatively, and communicate without fear your throat chakra is well balanced. 

However, when blocked or out of balance, one may experience difficulty with:

speaking your mind

expressing your thoughts

feeling shy

sharing your views

social anxiety

difficulty speaking the truth 

anxiety around communication

And on the flip side one may experience:

talking without thinking




criticism of yourself and others

poor listening skills

excessive gossiping

If these emotional imbalances are not addressed, in time they can manifest into physical symptoms. 

Like I had mentioned at the beginning of this writing, our body has this amazing ability to communicate with us when we become out of balance emotionally. 

If we ignore those first subtle signs of communication, our body soon gets our attention in other ways; chronic pain, illnesses and disease. 

If blocked or out of balance one may experience;

sore throat

thyroid issues

mouth or tooth pain

tight shoulders or pain in the shoulder blades

raspy throat

chronic sore throat

mouth ulcers

gum disease


thyroid challenges

temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders

There are several ways one could go about regaining and maintaining a healthy throat chakra balance. 

Exercise is a biggie; particularly stretching. Stretching releases blocked energy and promotes that flow of energy throughout each chakra center.

Yoga is another beneficial avenue. There are several yoga poses specifically targeted for the throat chakra area. You can find tons of videos on YouTube.

Breathing exercises are also very beneficial in restoring balance within that throat chakra. 

When working to restore the inner balance of any chakra center, it's important to commit to doing one's inner healing work. 

Keeping a diary or daily journal of your thoughts, emotions and feelings that one experiences throughout any healing session is very beneficial.

Also, flower essences, reiki healing sessions, myofascial release, full body massage, reflexology on the feet, those too are all so beneficial. Be kind to yourself. Be forgiving to yourself. Love yourself more. 

Continue to work on your emotional inner healing. And remember, any emotional trauma tied to the throat chakra, you need to let that go. 

Work through it and let it go. Do not let what happened to your past self continue to dictate your future. 💙