Heart Chakra


Our body has this amazing ability to communicate with us when we become out of balance emotionally. 

If we ignore those first subtle signs of communication, our body soon gets our attention in other ways; chronic pain, disease, illness's.

One way our body attempts to communicate with us is through what is called the chakra system. The chakra system is a flow of energy that runs along the spine. 

This energy flow is said to have 7 individual energy centers. Each energy center governs a specific area of the body, from the feet all the way up to the top of the head. 

Each individual energy center has a name and a color that represents the area of the body it governs.  

Each chakra color is associated with a unique frequency of energy. When the chakras are functioning properly, the energy flows freely, and the corresponding color is vibrant and clear. 

However, when there is a blockage or imbalance in a chakra, the energy is disrupted, and the corresponding color may appear dull or faded. 

The colors are believed to help balance and align the chakras, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Understanding the symbolism and meaning behind each chakra color can help individuals identify areas of imbalance in their energy centers and work towards restoring balance and equilibrium.

Chakras and colors are both expressions of vibrant energy, but only colors can be perceived by our physical senses. Thus, these colors serve as a tangible representation of the unseen flow of energy within us. 

This visual representation can deepen our connection with these energy centers and enhance our understanding of their profound influence on our well-being.

If we were able to see the chakra system we would see at each chakra energy center a wheel of energy that was continually spinning round and round. 

If any of the chakras are out of balance, the energy flowing to and from them can become pinched off - creating energy blockages. 

Below is a write up I have put together on the heart chakra and what can manifest within the body if there becomes an imbalance of that natural flow. 

Heart Chakra: also known as Anahata - (Ana-ha-ta) is located in the center of your chest. 

In Sanskrit, Anahata means unstruck, unhurt, unbeaten, calmness, serenity, inner balance. 

The name of this chakra signifies the state of wellness that appears when one is able to become detached while looking at the contradictory experiences of life with an open mind and open heart. This chakra is associated with love, self love, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, joy.  

Color associated with: Green. Green represents life, renewal and calmness. 

Element associated with: Air. The elements of nature are fourfold; Air, water, earth, and fire. Without these, the world cannot function in the orderly fashion that it does. Air element is one that allows for freedom, liberation and a breath of fresh air.

This element is linked to the heart chakra. Often thought of as the place where the soul dwells. 

The heart is a place we might consider our life energy to be held. Air represents intellect, mental intention, and connections to universal life. 

Represents love, openness, mobility and positivity, empathy and compassion. Gives us room to breathe, opens our lungs, opens our soul to personal freedom.

The next time you are outside, take some moments to sit and relax. Is it windy or calm. Can you feel the air on your face. 

Are the leaves blowing on the trees. Just sit there for a while and connect with the air element. It’s real. It’s alive with it’s own beautiful vibrational frequency. 

Areas of body governed: heart, lungs, chest, circulatory system, upper back, arms and hands.

The heart chakra is considered to be the astral bridge between the lower physical energy chakras; (root, sacral and solar plexus.) and the upper celestial chakras; (throat, third eye and crown.)

This astral bridge of connection that unites the upper and lower chakras balances our emotional and physical well-being.

When the energy is flowing at a balanced rate, one will feel an inner peace, compassion, an emotional balance. Feeling love for all living beings. Feeling self-love, joy, happiness. 

An energy block within the heart chakra can manifest feelings such as fear, grief, sadness, sorrow, jealousy, hatred, abandonment, loneliness. A fear of intimacy, lack of trust.

If these emotional imbalances are not addressed, in time they can manifest into physical symptoms. 

Like I had mentioned at the beginning of this writing, our body has this amazing ability to communicate with us when we become out of balance emotionally. 

If we ignore those first subtle signs of communication, our body soon gets our attention in other ways; chronic pain, illnesses and disease. 

If you are experiencing any health issues regarding the heart, lungs, chest, circulatory system, upper back, arms and hands, one may wish to consider checking into the emotional imbalance aspects related to the heart chakra. 

There are several ways one could go about regaining and maintaining a healthy heart chakra balance. 

Exercise is a biggie; particularly stretching. It's important to stretch your entire body not just the upper body pertaining to the heart chakra area. 

Stretching helps clear the energy within the body and assists in aligning the chakras. Also helps to lengthen and loosen the body, so blood air and energy can flow freely. Commit to stretching at least every other day in the beginning. 

Check into a yoga program. You can find tons of beginner videos on YouTube. Yoga is a beneficial avenue to balance each chakra as the different yoga positions create alignment within the body. 

A few poses to explore for the heart chakra are, the camel pose, cobra pose, fish pose cow pose, bridge pose, puppy pose, wild thing pose, bow pose, caterpillar pose, sphinx pose, wheel pose, warrior l pose.

Dancing is great too. Check into chakra dancing and or belly dancing. 

Heart centered breathing exercise is another valuable avenue. Click here for more info on the importance of heart centered breathing.

When working to restore the inner balance of any chakra center, it's important to commit to doing one's inner healing work. 

Keeping a diary or daily journal of your thoughts, emotions and feelings that one experiences throughout any healing session is very beneficial.

Another avenue is meditation. Before entering the meditation mode, ask questions out loud, or to yourself, as to why your heart chakra is blocked. 

Be open for any visions, thoughts, memories, words, phrases, etc. Then be sure to record everything in your journal.

Using positive affirmations daily. This is such a beneficial way of reprogramming a negative mindset to a positive mindset. 

It does take time. But if you stick with it, in time those negative, resistant, limiting belief words and thoughts you repeatedly tell yourself will be replaced with a natural flow of positive, self supporting, words and thoughts. 

You can make your own cards with the positive words written on them, or write the words in a daily journal. 

You can even download an app to your computer and or phone that allows you to schedule daily affirmations.

Just keep in mind that affirmations are a way of reprogramming a negative mindset. 

So the more often you say the words to yourself throughout the day and feel the emotions that are tied to the words, the better. 

Some examples of positive heart chakra affirmations are: 

I find love everywhere I go.

I deserve love and being loved.

I love myself to the fullest.

Love is all around me, it’s everywhere I go.

I am surrounded by love.

I attract good, loving, kind people into my life.

The power of love is inside me.

I am welcoming love with open arms.

I’m happy and grateful for having loving people in my life.

I am ready and open to receiving love and blessings. 

An exercise that has been beneficial for many clients is a verbal love rambling. 

When you are in a quiet relaxed state, repeating words and phrases of what you love, such as; I love the sky, I love the clouds, I love the stars, I love the moon, I love the trees, I love the green grass, I love butterflies, etc. 

Shifting one's awareness to love in this way assists in opening the heart chakra thus restoring that inner balance. 

Also, flower essences, reiki healing sessions, myofascial release, full body massage, reflexology on the feet, those too are all so beneficial. 

Be kind to yourself. Be forgiving to yourself. Love yourself more. Continue to work on your emotional inner healing. 

And remember, any emotional trauma tied to the heart chakra, you need to let that go. Work through it and let it go. Do not let what happened to your past self continue to dictate your future. 

I'll mention one more. Find yourself a quiet, comfortable place to lay down. Have your partner or spouse rub the palms their hands together very briskly.

Once they feel the heat from the energy in the palm of their hands, have them place their palms on your chest area. Then do the same on the upper back area. Continue for at least 10 minutes. 

During these sessions one can choose to remain silent or can choose to take turns in the verbal love rambling exercise. 💚